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Charter Bus Prices in the Northeast

Since most major cities in the Northeast lie only a few hours from each other, it’s easy to travel between them via charter bus. But if you’re considering a bus trip from Baltimore to Stamford or NYC, you’re probably looking for an estimate of how much it’ll cost.

Calculating Your Charter Bus Price

While we offer sample itineraries below to give you a rough estimate on charter bus pricing, we can't provide an exact estimate until you call our team. Pricing depends on different factors, such as seasonality, trip duration, and more (see below). Please also keep in mind that there is a five-hour minimum to secure hourly bus rentals, and you may be subejct to extra charges for mile overages on daily rentals. 

When our reservation specialists draw up a quote for a trip, they have to account for how far the bus has to go, how long you need it, what time of year you’re traveling, which city you’re picked up and dropped off in, and the sort of amenities you want. Trips also come with costs that won’t be part of your initial quote, like tolls, parking permits, a room for your driver if you’re taking an overnight trip, and tips.

All of that means that it’s hard to provide an estimate of how much an individual trip will cost until you call for a quote. But we also want to give you a rough idea of prices if you need one, so we’ve provided a few charts and sample trips to help you get an idea of how much you might pay. Just keep in mind that these are estimates, and when you’re ready for a personalized quote, you can call us at 1-866-625-7682.

Request a Quote for Your East Coast Trip

Now that you have an idea of how much a motorcoach rental from Easy Charter Bus might cost, you can call us at 1-866-625-7682 to get a personalized, no-obligation quote. We’d love to help you organize group transportation to Alexandria, charter bus rentals in Hartford, or a Newark charter bus rental for your travels. And we’ll never charge for an accurate quote. Give us a try today!

Sample Trip Quotes

Sports Tournament in Boston

A youth basketball team is traveling to Boston for a weekend tournament. Their trip will last two days, which means they’ll need to provide overnight lodging for their driver. Because they’re bringing 10 players, the coach and 2 chaperones, they opt for a 20-person minibus. The figures below help us get an estimate of how much it might cost.



Per hour

Per day

Per mile






Price per day: $1,200 (x 2)
Overnight parking: $40
Room for driver: $108
Cost: $2,548
Tip: $255
Total cost: $2,803
Total cost per person: $215.62


Work Trip in D.C.

A large corporation is sending 24 employees to a marketing conference in Washington, D.C. They book a minibus for four days to take their employees from the hotel to meetings, dinner, and other activities.


Washington, D.C.

Per hour

Per day

Per mile






Price per day:  $1,150 (x 4)
Parking for 3 nights: $72
Room for driver: $103
Cost: $4,775
Tip: $478
Total cost: $5,253
Total cost per person: $525.30


Wedding in Philadelphia

Kate and Caroline are getting married in Philadelphia. Since many of their family members and friends aren’t local, they want to hire a charter bus to take their wedding guests from their hotel to the ceremony and reception at Fette Sau. They hire a full-size charter bus to shuttle around their 50 guests for 5 hours.



Per hour

Per day

Per mile

Charter bus





Price per hour: $175 (x 5)
Cost: $875
Tip: $88
Total cost: $963
Total cost per person: $19.26